Family Support Specialist

Welcome to Northshore Early Childhood!  Sorenson Early Childhood Center and Woodmoor Preschool are unique programs in a child's journey through the public education system.  Our goal is to support and educate your child and also tend to the needs of your family.  Preparing children for Kindergarten and the K-12 system is a job for the whole family and our Northshore community.

Sorenson Early Childhood Center and Woodmoor  Preschool programs have specialists to support you and your child.  Theses specialists include: speech and language pathologists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, special education teachers, para educators (teacher assistants), school psychologists, and a school nurse.  The early childhood staff also includes one Family Support Specialist/Early Intervention Coordinator who is available to help you find referrals and resources, assist with problem solving during family crises, provide and refer you to educational opportunities in our community, and provide support for all your parenting needs.

The Family Support Specialist is here to support you, so please give me a call!  I may be able to help you find childcare, find a parenting class or a summer camp for your child, or provide an ear to listen and support you during a difficult time.  Parenting during the early years can be very stressful...and at the same time joyful and amazing, so my goal is to help you establish a solid foundation for your family.  I want you to know what's happening in the community so you feel less isolated and more connected to others who are raising young children.

Join us Tuesdays on Zoom for conversations on positive parenting. During these informal drop-in sessions, we can provide family support and brainstorm positive strategies parents can use at home or in the community to address concerning behaviors. Feedback for ongoing interventions seen in the classroom is provided. All family members are welcome to join!


When: Tuesdays from 9-10am

No RSVP or appointment needed

Positive Parenting Zoom Link 

Welcome to Northshore Early Childhood Programs!

Contact Us

Erinn Zavaglia 
Family Support Specialist


Louise Gray
Birth -Three Coordinator